Pool Landscaping Ideas for Your Woodlands Backyard
Pool Landscaping
As a homeowner, you are always looking for the next great way to add ambiance and beauty to your home. You may spend countless hours choosing the right colors for your walls or meticulously care for your flooring, so it would seem only natural for you to spend the same amount of time working in your yard. Your landscaping is the first thing that people see when they arrive at your home, and it is also the first thing that you will notice when you walk outdoors. As a pool owner, the right landscaping choices can make or break your pool design. To help you along, we’re offering some pool landscaping tips to help you get your backyard looking beautiful just in time for pool season!
Before Planting, Think About Watering
First, we all understand that the Woodlands sun is not always kind to our bushes or trees. High temperatures and lack of rain can really wreak havoc on vegetation, but there are a few things you can do to ensure your pool landscape remains lush and lively. Modern sprinkler systems are the easiest solution for making sure that plants and grass stay green and healthy. But making the right plant choices can also make a big difference. Choose plants that are indigenous to our area. They have naturally adapted to our weather and precipitation, so they are more hardy and require less babysitting.
Know Your Boundaries
Natural stone is a great way to add boundaries and beauty to your yard. A great idea for your swimming pool area would be a natural stone water feature. This might sound complicated but it really only requires the right materials and some experienced helpers. If DIY doesn’t appeal to you, we can install a custom stone feature for you. Just ask one of our designers!
Invite the Good Guys to Your Yard
Nothing ruins a beautiful evening outdoors like flies and mosquitoes. But you can keep down the mosquito population in your backyard attracting helpful predators. Dragonflies, Purple Martins, frogs, Damselflies and even bats are common mosquito predators. Invite them to your yard by installing a chemical-free pond for toads, dragonflies and damselflies- put a few stones in it that they can bask on, a gord house for martins, and a bat house. (Bats feed at night- you’ll probably never know they’re there!)
Choose Slow-Growing Varieties
When choosing larger border plants like palms and shrubs, choose slower growing varieties with shallow root structures so that they don’t take over your poolside or endanger your pool’s foundation.