Pools offer many options and are often custom tailored for each particular family. In many cases, swimming pools are designed with a specific feature or option in mind. One of the choices that many people struggle with is the pool depth. While the average, residential, in-ground pool has a depth of 8 feet, some people are not comfortable with this depth. Here are 5 things to consider when choosing your pool depth. 

1. What are your plans for this pool?

If you are simply looking for a pool to swim laps in then you are not going to need a pool that is very deep. 8 feet will not only cost more, but it will be a waste of resources. 

2. Are you planning on using a diving board, jump rock or water slide?

If so then you will definitely need a pool that has a minimum depth of 8 feet. Diving is fun but it can also be dangerous if the pool is too shallow. 

3. Have you considered the ground in your yard?

All yards are different, so what works at one home may not work at another. If there are any issues with your soil, such as over saturation, then you might not be able to use a deeper pool. 

4. Can every member of your family swim?

This may sound odd, but it needs to be addressed. A deeper pool will require a stronger swimmer. If your family members cannot swim, or if they cannot swim well, you might need to consider a uniform depth for the safety of all. 

5. Is it affordable to care for a pool that is extremely deep?

Deeper pools will require more water and more chemicals. Also, keep in mind that the majority of the time you spend in a pool is going to be in the more shallow areas.

6. Do you have pets?

If you have a dog or a cat you might as well plan on them making their way into the pool at some stage. They are curious little guys! But deep pools can be dangerous, especially with no easy escape route. Remember that they will probably jump or fall in, but climbing a pool latter won’t be as easy for them. Choosing a sloped beach entry or a shallow wading end with large steps will ensure that pets and other curious critters can easily find their way out before drowning.